Montserrat to Manresa

On Thursday we walked the last leg of the Camino Ignaciano, though we didn't get to the pilgrim office until Friday afternoon.  Why?  Because it was raining, and all we wanted to do was get back and dry out!

We set off from Montserrat in the fog, retracing our footsteps for nearly three kilometres till we turned off and headed downhill.  The forecast had been grim, but as we descended the fog lifted and we stayed dry until the last hour of walking.
Over the past few days these shelters (above and below)  have been quite a common sight.

The walls are very thick, and I presume that the soil on the roof acts as both an insulator, and an anchor.
The Camino Santiago sign (shell) and the Camino Ignaciano sun - on the footpath as we walked through a village near Manresa.

The descent off the mountain was beautiful.  We walked through low forest, with prolific heath in bloom, and fully laden strawberry trees liberally sprinkled amongst the conifers and Holm Oaks.  It was steep at times, and quite rocky, but once down in the valley we followed roads and tracks.  On reaching the river we got a special surprise - and fellow pilgrims will recognise our delight.  The time was about midday and I was starting to think "a coffee would be nice", when, there in front of us, was a bar.  There was no village nearby so it was quite a surprise.  Perfect timing for a leisurely lunch and a rest.
We even saw a red squirrel.

It was a long day of walking, but apart from the last hour in the rain, pretty easy walking.  We had planned to return to Montserrat for another night so that we could bask in its beauty at leisure.  This exercise proved to be the most challenging part of the day!

We arrived at the train station, only to discover it was the wrong one.  We were too tired to walk across town and so we decided to catch a train from there, and then change to get to where we needed to go.  The ticket man told us we would depart in 20 mins, and 56 mins later we left (he had disappeared and so we couldn't ask anymore questions), only be delivered to a station that was miles away from where we needed to be.  The security man at this station directed us to some steps down the hill.  Arriving at the bottom of them we found a bar where we were told the other station was "very far".  At this point we decided that a taxi was in order!  45 mins later and €40 poorer we were delivered to the door!

I have much to show and tell about both Montserrat and Manresa, but that will have to wait till the next post.


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