From Barcelona to San Sebastian, and tomorrow......

We arrived in Barcelona yesterday and today made our way by train to San Sebastian where we are spending tonight, before heading up into the mountains to Loyola.

We had a good flight over, getting some sleep - Julie & Pam more than me, reaching Doha almost an hour early.  We arrived in Barcelona pretty much on time, and leaving the airport we managed to find a place to by our gold cards -tarjeta dorado - which allows those of somewhat senior years to travel considerably cheaper on certain trains!

After settling into our hotel and starting the process of re-organizing our packs  we then set about our various tasks. Pam went off to spend a few hours with some English cousins who just happened to be near Barcelona, and Julie & I set off to find a chemist to buy some bandaids (which we both forgot to put in our pack!) and to find something to eat.  We treated ourselves to some tapas for dinner - croquettes, little fried sardinnes, queso with quince sauce AND best of all pimiento de Padrón.

Julie (left) and I with our tapas.

A fountain in Barcelona - on our way to the tapas Bar!

Today we caught the train to San Sebastian arriving at 1.00 which has allowed us plenty of time to meander around, in between the showers.  We are in Basque territory now, and today we have dined on pinchos rather than tapas, though they are the same thing, just a different name.  We have meandered along the famous la Concha beach, so named because of its shell shape.
The famous La Concha beach, San Sebastian

It's an early night for us and tomorrow we will explore Loyola having just one more day of rest before tackling the Basque mountains.


  1. Mal and I ate at the restaurant on the beach. Had a wonderful seafood feast. I think the tapas in San Sebastián are the best in all of Spain. Hope you are travelling well and the weather is kind.


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